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Intermittent Moon Fasting (Chandrayana Vratham)

Intermittent Moon Fasting  (Chandrayana Vratham)

Intermittent Moon Fasting (Chandrayana Vratham)

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Intermittent moon fasting also called as Chandrayana (cycle of the moon) is an ancient Ayurvedic method of healing the body and mind. Moon is responsible for the energy in food as well as the strength of the mind. This unique energy and relationship of the moon with the energy in food and our minds is harnessed in this fasting to heal the body and mind.

How is Intermittent Moon fasting  practiced ?

 This moon fasting involves eating a full meal on the full moon and then gradually reducing your meal by 1/15 th till the new moon. On the new moon you fast with juices. Then we gradually increase eating by 1/15 th and eat a full meal on the full moon.

What are the other practices involved ?

Along with the fast the practitioner needs to practice yoga asanas, mudras and deep breathing so as to always keep calm, fight off hunger pangs and get the best results.

Overall Intermittent Moon Fasting is a 30-day program that starts with a full moon and a full plate of food —and, ends with a full moon and a full plate of food. Intermittent Moon Fasting is a very graduated fast that, though regulated, is gentle on the body and mind. The practices of asana, deep breathing and mudras enhance the effect of the fast.

What we offer ?

We offer a unique blend of making a custom diet chart,  asanas,  deep breathing and mudras in our guided intermittent moon fasting or Chandrayana.  By regulating one’s eating based on the moon cycles, we can free the mind and heal the body.  Begin your journey to health and well-being now. To know more read on, watch the testimonials and contact us or sign up.

When do we start the fast ?

Our batches start every full moon.  The upcoming dates are October 31st 2020,  November 30th 2020,  December 29th 2020,  January 28th 2021,  Feb 27th 2021,  March 20th, 2021,  April 27th 2021,  May 26th 2021,  June 24th 2021,  July 24th 2021,  Aug 22nd 2021,  September 21st 2021, October 20th 2021, November 19th 2021 and December 19th 2021.