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This Career guidance is the training given to individuals to help them acquire the knowledge, information, skills, and experience necessary to identify career options, and narrow them down to make one career decision. This career decision then results in their social, financial and emotional well-being throughout.For people who find it difficult to realize the right career meant for them; a career guide helps them sort this confusion. There are infinite career options available to choose from, and without an expert’s proper guidance, one might stick to a few that his/her friends or relatives ask him to pursue. An informed career guide makes one aware about the scope of every career option in detail, which widens the horizon for the student. For people who think they are clear on their career paths and have attained enough clarity to work towards a chosen career option, career guides ensure that they achieve their goals without any distractions.

Highlights of the Training:

Guidance from Industry Experts & Corporate Trainers.

Live Online Guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. What is this training?

A. This training is all about teaching Career guidance  to all Students.

2. What are the objectives of this online Guidance ?

A. Our prime objective of this training is to provide proper career guidance, ensures that the career chosen is the right one and thus results in emotional, social and financial happiness.

3. Who are the trainers?

A. The trainers are Industry Experts & Corporate Trainers.

4. What are pre-requirements for this training?

A. There are no specific pre-requirements for this training to join. This training is completely designed to guide students. You just need to have a PC or laptop and a working internet connection to attend the online training.

5. Where can I get more Information?

A. We have a FREE Demo for Career Guidance, you can clear all your doubts at that Demo. You can also contact us through the contact form or with the available contact number.